Ultima Modificación: 29-SEPTIEMBRE-2022
Last Update: 29-SEPTEMBER-2022
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Aviso de Privacidad:
I. Identidad y Domicilio del Responsable que Recaba los Datos Personales:
MedNow Resources, con registro de marca (número de registro: 1646806) ante el Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial (IMPI) denominada MedNow Resources (en adelante “MedNow Resources”), con domicilio registrado en: Via Atlixcayotl Num. Ext. 4308, 3ER Piso, Granjas Atoyac, Puebla, Puebla, C.P. 72410 México, en cumplimiento a la Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de Particulares (en adelante la “Ley”) y su Reglamento, hace de su conocimiento que recaba y trata sus datos personales para las finalidades que se establecen en este Aviso de Privacidad.

II. Finalidades del Tratamiento de los Datos Personales:
Su información personal será utilizada para actividades de relacionamiento dentro de las que se encuentra el envío de cotizaciones, promociones, recordatorios, correspondencia de bienvenida, así como para dar seguimiento a los comentarios, consultas, quejas y reclamaciones que usted presente en relación con nuestros servicios; para mantener controles estadísticos y administrativos y, en su caso, para fines de publicidad y prospección comercial. MedNow Resources recaba sus datos personales al momento de efectuar el llenado de solicitudes electrónicas, el envío de correspondencia electrónica, las llamadas telefónicas, y de manera indirecta por medio de transferencias que le hacen llegar los terceros relacionados con los servicios que ofrecemos. Los datos personales que recabamos de forma directa e indirecta se refieren a su nombre completo, número de teléfono, cuentas de redes sociales y correo electrónico. Al ingresar al Portal, recabamos datos de su equipo como la IP origen, la hora de acceso, el navegador y el sistema operativo utilizados con el fin de recabar información estadística. Nos comprometemos a que todos los datos obtenidos serán tratados bajo las más estrictas medidas de seguridad que garanticen su confidencialidad. De conformidad con el artículo 8 de la Ley, requerimos de su consentimiento expreso para el tratamiento de sus datos personales de carácter financiero y patrimonial. Si usted no manifiesta su oposición para el tratamiento de sus datos personales de carácter financiero y patrimonial, se entenderá como un signo inequívoco de que nos otorga su consentimiento expreso para ello. De cualquier forma, nos comprometemos a no tratar estos datos para finalidades diversas a las apuntadas en este Aviso de Privacidad, salvo en el caso de las excepciones previstas en el artículo 37 de la Ley.
III. Opciones y Medios que el Responsable Ofrece a los Titulares de los Datos Personales para Limitar el Uso o Divulgación de los Datos Personales:
En caso que usted desee oponerse al tratamiento de sus datos personales para recibir publicidad y ofertas o desea limitar el uso o divulgación de sus datos personales, usted deberá contactarnos a través del correo electrónico: support@mednow.com.mx Usted deberá presentar la solicitud respectiva que deberá indicar: (1) su nombre completo y el correo electrónico en el que se desea recibir toda la información relacionada con el trámite; (2) deberá de estar acompañada del o los documentos oficiales con los que se acredite su identidad o la personalidad de su representante legal; (3) deberá incluir una descripción clara y precisa de los datos personales respecto de los que se opone a que sean tratados en los términos del presente Aviso de Privacidad.
IV. Medios para Ejercer los Derechos de Acceso, Rectificación, Cancelación u Oposición:
Usted tiene derecho a revocar el consentimiento otorgado para el tratamiento de sus datos personales y a: (i) acceder a sus datos personales en nuestro poder y a los detalles de su tratamiento; (ii) a rectificarlos en caso de ser inexactos o incompletos; (iii) a cancelarlos cuando considere que no se requieren para alguna de las finalidades señaladas en el presente Aviso de Privacidad o estén siendo utilizados para finalidades no consentidas o haya finalizado la relación contractual o de servicio; y/o (iv) a oponerse al tratamiento de los mismos para fines específicos (en adelante “Derechos ARCO”). Para revocar su consentimiento y el ejercicio de los mencionados Derechos ARCO, usted o su representante legal deberán presentar la solicitud respectiva a través del correo electrónico: support@mednow.com.mx La solicitud que presente para el ejercicio de los Derechos ARCO deberá indicar: (1) su nombre completo y el correo electrónico en el que se desea recibir toda la información relacionada con el trámite; (2) deberá de estar acompañada del o los documentos oficiales con los que se acredite su identidad o la personalidad de su representante legal; (3) deberá incluir una descripción clara y precisa de los datos respecto de los que se busca ejercer alguno de los Derechos ARCO; y (4) deberá proporcionar cualquier otro elemento que nos permita identificar o localizar los datos personales en cuestión. Cuando se trate de “rectificación” de sus datos personales, deberá indicarnos también cuál es la modificación exacta que busca realizar y presentar la documentación que soporte la petición. Le pedimos que considere que, por su protección y beneficio, es posible que le solicitemos documentación adicional que nos permita identificar con plenitud los datos que desee acceder, rectificar y/o cancelar, o aquellos respecto de los cuales usted desee oponerse a su tratamiento. Asimismo, le informamos que es posible que MedNow Resources no pueda cancelar o bloquear sus datos personales de conformidad con lo dispuesto por la Ley y su Reglamento. Una vez recibida su solicitud completa y debidamente integrada, le comunicaremos la determinación adoptada en un plazo máximo de 20 días hábiles. Si esta resultare procedente, dentro de los 15 días siguientes podrá hacer efectivo el derecho solicitado. En caso de que MedNow Resources deba hacer entrega de documentación como resultado del derecho ejercido, lo hará a través de copias que le serán enviadas por correo electrónico. En términos del Artículo 34 de la Ley, MedNow Resources podrá negar el acceso a los datos personales, o a realizar la rectificación, cancelación o conceder la oposición al tratamiento de los mismos, cuando se trate de alguno de los supuestos ahí establecidos.
V. Transferencia de Datos Personales que se Efectúen:
Le informamos que sus datos personales (nombre completo, número de teléfono, cuentas de redes sociales y correo electrónico) y otros datos relacionados proporcionados durante su interacción con MedNow Resources pueden ser transferidos por MedNow Resources y tratados dentro y fuera del país a personas distintas de MedNow Resources. En ese sentido, su información puede ser compartida por MedNow Resources a terceros con los que mantiene una relación jurídica, para el envío de información de servicios, para realizar encuestas de satisfacción, estudios de mercado, recordatorios, para envío de cotizaciones, para dar seguimiento a los comentarios, consultas, quejas y reclamaciones que usted presente, para mantener controles administrativos y estadísticos, para actividades de relacionamiento con el cliente (envío de cotizaciones, promociones y recordatorios, correspondencia de bienvenida), para fines de publicidad y prospección comercial. Si usted no manifiesta su oposición para que sus datos personales sean transferidos a terceros para estos fines, se entenderá que nos otorga su consentimiento para ello. Es importante señalar que los terceros a los que MedNow Resources hace la transferencia de sus datos personales, se comprometen en los mismos términos del presente Aviso de Privacidad y cumplen con las medidas de seguridad y confidencialidad correspondientes. De cualquier manera, hacemos de su conocimiento que nos comprometemos a no transferir su información personal a terceros sin contar con su consentimiento, salvo en el caso de las excepciones previstas en el artículo 37 de la Ley, así como a realizar esta transferencia en los términos que fija dicha Ley. Toda vez que el tratamiento y la transferencia de sus datos personales es indispensable para cumplir las finalidades expuestas en el presente Aviso de Privacidad, su limitación podría impedirnos cumplir con ellas y proporcionarle los servicios de calidad que usted espera de nosotros.
VI. Procedimiento y Medio por el cual el Responsable Comunicará a los Titulares de los Datos Personales acerca de Cambios al Aviso de Privacidad:
En cualquier momento MedNow Resources puede hacer modificaciones o actualizaciones al presente Aviso de Privacidad, para la atención de novedades legislativas, políticas internas o nuevos requerimientos para la administración de quejas y reclamaciones de los clientes. Toda modificación al presente Aviso de Privacidad se le hará de su conocimiento por medio de la publicación del mismo en la presente página web.
Privacy Policy:
I. Identity and Address of the Entity Responsible for Collecting Personal Data:
MedNow Resources, with a registered trademark (number: 1646806) with the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI), known as MedNow Resources (hereinafter “MedNow Resources”), with a registered address: Via Atlixcayotl Num. Ext. 4308, 3ER Piso, Granjas Atoyac, Puebla, Puebla, C.P. 72410 Mexico, in compliance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (hereinafter the "Law") and its Regulations, informs you that it collects and processes your personal data for the purposes established in this Privacy Notice.
II. Purposes of the Processing of Personal Data:
Your personal information may be used for professional activities, including the sending of quotes, promotions, reminders, welcome correspondence, as well as to follow up on the comments, queries, complaints and claims that you submit in relation to our services. ; to maintain statistical and administrative controls and, where appropriate, for advertising and commercial prospecting purposes. MedNow Resources collects your personal data at the time of filling out electronic contact forms, sending of electronic correspondence and telephone calls, through communication sent by third parties related to the services we offer. The personal data that we collect directly and indirectly pertain to your full name, telephone number, social network accounts and email address. When entering the Portal, we collect data from your electronic device, such as the source IP, the time of access, the browser and the operating system used in order to collect statistical information. We promise that all the data obtained will be treated under the strictest security measures that guarantee its confidentiality. In accordance with article 8 of the Law, we require your express consent for the processing of your personal data of a financial and patrimonial nature. If you do not express your opposition to the processing of your personal data of a financial and patrimonial nature, it will be understood as an unequivocal sign that you give us your express consent for it. In any case, we strive not to process this data for purposes other than those indicated in this Privacy Notice, except as provided for in article 37 of the Law.
III. Options and Means that are Offered to the Holders of Personal Data to Limit the Use or Disclosure of Personal Data:
In case you wish to oppose to the processing of your personal data to receive advertising and offers, or if you wish to limit the use or disclosure of your personal data, you must contact us via email: support@mednow.com.mx You must submit the request indicating: (1) your full name and email address at which you wish to receive all information related to the procedure; (2) your request must be accompanied by the official document(s) proving your identity or the identity of your legal representative; (3) your request must include a clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which you object to being treated in the terms of this Privacy Notice.
IV. Means to Exercise the Rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation or Opposition:
You have the right to revoke the consent granted for the processing of your personal data and to: (i) access your personal data in our possession and the details of its use; (ii) to rectify them if they are inaccurate or incomplete; (iii) to cancel them when you consider that they are not required for any of the purposes indicated in this Privacy Notice or are being used for non-consensual purposes or the contractual or service relationship has ended; and/or (iv) to oppose their processing for specific purposes (hereinafter “ARCO Rights”). To revoke your consent and to exercise the aforementioned ARCO Rights, you or your legal representative must submit the respective request via email: support@mednow.com.mx The request you submit for the exercise of the ARCO Rights must indicate: (1) your full name and the email address at which you wish to receive all the information related to the procedure; (2) your request must be accompanied by the official document(s) proving your identity or the personality of your legal representative; (3) your request must include a clear and precise description of the data with respect to which one seeks to exercise any of the ARCO Rights; and (4) you must provide any other element that allows us to identify or locate the personal data in question. When it comes to "rectification" of your personal data, you must also tell us what is the exact modification that you seek to perform, and submit the documentation that supports the request. We ask you to consider that, for your protection and benefit, we may request additional documentation that allows us to fully identify the data you wish to access, rectify and/or cancel, or those with respect to which you wish to oppose their use. Likewise, we inform you that MedNow Resources may not be able to cancel or block your personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Law and its Regulations. Once your complete and duly integrated request has been received, we will notify you of the decision reached within a maximum period of 20 business days. If this is appropriate, within the following 15 days you can make the requested right effective. In the event that MedNow Resources must deliver documentation as a result of the right exercised, it will do so through copies that will be sent to you by email. In terms of Article 34 of the Law, MedNow Resources may deny access to personal data, or to make the rectification, cancellation or grant the opposition to the treatment thereof, when there are any provisions established therein.
V. Transfer of Personal Data:
We inform you that your personal data (full name, telephone number, social media accounts and email address) and other related data provided during your interaction with MedNow Resources may be transferred by MedNow Resources and processed within and outside the country to persons other than MedNow Resources. In this context, your information may be shared by MedNow Resources to third parties with whom we maintain a legal relationship, to send service information, to carry out satisfaction surveys, market studies, reminders, to send quotes, to follow up to comments, queries, complaints and claims that you submit, to maintain administrative and statistical controls, for customer relationship activities (sending quotes, promotions and reminders, welcome correspondence), for advertising and commercial prospecting purposes. If you do not express your opposition to your personal data being transferred to third parties for these purposes, it will be understood that you give us your consent to do so. It is important to point out that the third parties to whom MedNow Resources transfers your personal data, are committed to the same terms of this Privacy Notice and comply with the corresponding security and confidentiality measures. In any case, we inform you that we undertake not to transfer your personal information to third parties without your consent, except in the case of the exceptions provided for in Article 37 of the Law, as well as to carry out this transfer in the terms established by said Law. Since the use and transfer of your personal data is essential to fulfill the purposes set forth in this Privacy Notice, its limitation could prevent us from complying with them and providing you with the quality of service that you expect from us.
VI. Procedure and Means by which the Responsible Party will Communicate the Holders of the Personal Data about Changes to the Privacy Notice:
At any time MedNow Resources may make changes or updates to this Privacy Notice, in response to new legislation, internal policies or new requirements for the management of customer complaints and claims. Any modification to this Privacy Notice will be made known to you by publishing it on this website..
General Terms & Conditions:
1. Definitions and Interpretation
In this Agreement the following terms shall have the following meanings:
"MedNow Resources": means a sole proprietorship doing business under trademark in Mexico, registered with the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property - Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial (IMPI) under registration number: 1646806 ;
"We" / "Us" / "Our": means MedNow Resources ;
"Website": means the website that you are currently using ( http://www.mednow.com.mx ) and any sub-domains of this site unless expressly excluded by their own terms and conditions ;
"User" / "Users": means any adult (18 years of age or older) third party(ies) that accesses the Website and is not employed by MedNow Resources, nor acting in the course of their employment. In the case of minors (under 18 years of age), a "User" is the minor's parent or adult legal guardian ;
"Appointed Representative": means an adult (18 years of age or older) individual designated by the User, to act on behalf of the User, for the purpose of communicating with MedNow Resources and its third party affiliates ;
"Parties": means the User / Users / Appointed Representative and MedNow Resources ;
"Content": means any text, graphics, images, audio, video, software, data compilations and any other form of information capable of being stored in a computer that appears on or forms part of this Website ;
"Facilities": means collectively any online facilities, premises, tools, services or information that MedNow Resources makes available through the Website either now or in the future ;
"Service" / "Services": means the services available to you through this Website ;
"Mexico" / "Territory of Mexico": means the land, air and maritime area within the geographical boundaries of the United Mexican States (official name: Estados Unidos Mexicanos), as understood by international law.
2. Age Restrictions
This Website is to be used by adults (eighteen years of age or over) only.
3. Business Customers
These Terms and Conditions also apply to customers procuring Service / Services in the course of business.
4. Intellectual Property
4.1 Subject to the exceptions in Clause 5 of these Terms and Conditions, all Content included on the Website, unless uploaded by Users, including, but not limited to, text, graphics, logos, icons, images, sound clips, video clips, data compilations, page layout, underlying code and software is the property of MedNow Resources, Our affiliates or other relevant third parties. By continuing to use the Website you acknowledge that such material is protected by applicable Mexican and International intellectual property and other laws.
4.2 Subject to Clause 5 you may not reproduce, copy, distribute, store or in any other fashion re-use material from the Website unless otherwise indicated on the Website or unless given Our express written permission to do so.
5. Third Party Intellectual Property
5.1 Unless otherwise expressly indicated, all Intellectual Property rights including, but not limited to, Copyright and Trademarks, in product images and descriptions belong to the manufacturers or distributors of such products as may be applicable.
5.2 You may not reproduce, copy, distribute, store or in any other fashion re-use such material unless otherwise indicated on the Website or unless given express written permission to do so by the relevant manufacturer or supplier.
6. Links to Other Websites
This Website may contain links to other sites. Unless expressly stated, these sites are not under the control of MedNow Resources or that of Our affiliates. We assume no responsibility for the content of such sites and disclaim liability for any and all forms of loss or damage arising out of the use of them. The inclusion of a link to another site on this Website does not imply any endorsement of the sites themselves or of those in control of them.
7. Links to this Website
Those wishing to place a link to this Website on other sites may do so only to the following site: https://curso.mednow.com.mx without Our prior permission. Deep linking (i.e. links to specific pages within the site) requires Our express written permission. To find out more please contact Us by email at: support@mednow.com.mx
8. Privacy
Use of the Website is also governed by Our Privacy Policy. Please see the corresponding paragraphs located on this Page.
9. Disclaimers
9.1 We make no warranty or representation that the Website will meet your requirements, that it will be of satisfactory quality, that it will be fit for a particular purpose, that it will not infringe the rights of third parties, that it will be compatible with all systems, that it will be secure and that all information provided will be accurate. We make no guarantee of any specific results from the use of our Service or Services.
9.2 No part of this Website is intended to constitute advice, whether medical or other, and the Content of this Website should not be relied upon when making any decisions or taking any action of any kind.
9.3 No part of this Website is intended to constitute a contractual offer capable of acceptance.
9.4 Whilst We use reasonable caution to ensure that the Website is secure and free of errors, viruses and other malware, you are strongly advised to take responsibility for your own internet security, that of your personal details and your electronic devices.
10. Changes to the Facilities and these Terms and Conditions
We reserve the right to change the Website, its Content or these Terms and Conditions at any time. You will be bound by any changes to the Terms and Conditions from the first time you use the Website following the changes.
11. Availability of the Website
11.1 The Website is provided “as is” and on an “as available” basis. MedNow Resources relies on third-party providers that promise high up-time. We give no warranty that the Website or Facilities will be free of defects and / or faults. We provide no warranties (expressed or implied) of fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy of information, compatibility and satisfactory quality.
11.2 We accept no liability for any disruption or non-availability of the Website resulting from external causes including, but not limited to: ISP equipment failure, host equipment failure, communications network failure, power failure, natural events, acts of war or legal restrictions and censorship.
12. Limitation of Liability
12.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, We accept no liability for any direct or indirect loss or damage, foreseeable or otherwise, including any indirect, consequential, special or exemplary damages arising from the use of the Website or any information contained therein. You should be aware that you use the Website and its Content at your own risk.
12.2 In the event that any of these terms are found to be unlawful, invalid or otherwise unenforceable, that term is to be deemed severed from these Terms and Conditions and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining Terms and Conditions. This term shall apply only within jurisdictions where a particular term is illegal.
13. No Waiver
In the event that any party to these Terms and Conditions fails to exercise any right or remedy contained herein, this shall not be construed as a waiver of that right or remedy.
14. Previous Terms and Conditions
In the event of any conflict between these Terms and Conditions and any prior versions thereof, the provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall prevail unless it is expressly stated otherwise.
15. Third Party Rights
Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall confer any rights upon any third party. The agreement created by these Terms and Conditions is between you and MedNow Resources.
16. Communications
16.1 All notices / communications shall be given to Us by email at: support@mednow.com.mx Such notice will be deemed received within 24 hours from the day of sending if the email is received by Our mail server in full on a business day and within 24 hours of the next business day if the email is received by Our mail server on a weekend (Saturday and Sunday) or public holiday (according to the federal holiday calendar observed in Mexico).
16.2 We may from time to time, if you opt to receive it, send you information about Our products and/or Services. You have the right to unsubscribe from such communication at any time by sending Us an email at: support@mednow.com.mx
17. Law and Jurisdiction
These Terms and Conditions and the relationship between you and MedNow Resources shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Law of Mexico. MedNow Resources and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Mexico.​ 
Terms & Conditions for End Users / Patients:
I. Definitions and Interpretation
In this Agreement the following terms shall have the following meanings:
"MedNow Resources": means a sole proprietorship doing business under trademark in Mexico, registered with the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property - Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial (IMPI) under registration number: 1646806 ;
"Website": means the website that you are currently using ( http://www.mednow.com.mx ) and any sub-domains of this site unless expressly excluded by their own terms and conditions ;
"User" / "Users": means any adult (18 years of age or older) third party(ies) that accesses the Website and is not employed by MedNow Resources, nor acting in the course of their employment. In the case of minors (under 18 years of age), a "User" is the minor's adult parent or adult legal guardian ;
"Appointed Representative": means an adult (18 years of age or older) individual designated (in writing to: support@mednow.com.mx ) by the User, to act on behalf of the User, for the purpose of communicating with MedNow Resources ;
"Service" / "Services": means the services available to the User through this Website ;
"Medical Consultations": means any clinically relevant activity and interaction between the User or the User's Appointed Representative and MedNow Resources, such as, but not limited to: the provision of telehealth services, issuance of prescriptions, general healthcare consultation, etc. ;
"Patient Records": means to include, but is not limited to: the User's clinical history, documentation of clinically relevant interactions (made either in person, or through any digital or other communication platform), laboratory results, prescriptions, progress notes, medical translations ;
"Personal Information": means to include, but is not limited to: the User's full name, date of birth, and any other personal / identifying information ;
"Patient Navigator": means a person who represents MedNow Resources, and serves as a primary point of contact between the User and MedNow Resources
"Physician": means a medical doctor licensed in Mexico, who represents MedNow Resources ;
"Third-Party Physician(s), Hospital(s), Healthcare Center(s) or Other Organization(s)": meants individual(s), establishment(s) or organization(s) that do not represent MedNow Resources, but whose professional input, service or expertise may be required, whether directly or indirectly, in order to facilitate the provision of Services and / or Medical Consultations by MedNow Resources, or to ensure a favorable outcome for the User
"Mexico" / "Territory of Mexico": means the land, air and maritime area within the geographical boundaries of the United Mexican States (official name: Estados Unidos Mexicanos), as understood by international law.
II. When requesting Medical Consultations by MedNow Resources, the User / Appointed Representative understands and agrees to the following:
A) That the User / Appointed Representative is physically located within Mexico, 
B) That the User / Appointed Representative will seek Medical Consultations only from within Mexico.
Any and all Medical Consultations with MedNow Resources must cease immediately upon the User's exit from the Territory of Mexico. Due to medical licensing rules and regulations, MedNow Resources is currently unable to serve Users who are physically located outside of Mexico. Every Physician holds a valid and unrestricted medical license in Mexico, which can be verified at the following site: www.cedulaprofesional.sep.gob.mx - operated and maintained by Mexico's Secretary of Public Education (Secretaría de Educación Pública).
C) That MedNow Resources may refuse any Service and / or Medical Consultations to any User / Appointed Representative who, based on reasonable belief or upon notification from Third-Party Physician(s), Hospital(s), Healthcare Center(s) or Other Organization(s), is not currently located within Mexico.
III. MedNow Resources agrees to provide its Services as follows:
A) The User may contact MedNow Resources while physically present in Mexico, for general guidance and advice, in a situation that does not imply a medical emergency. Such contact can be initiated via electronic means, such as, but not limited to: e-mail, telephone, through a third-party software application. The initial contact will be with a Patient Navigator and, if deemed appropriate, the Patient Navigator may refer the case to a Physician ;
B) The Patient Navigator and Physician will make a reasonable effort to respond in the shortest time possible. However, MedNow Resources does not provide any time nor result guarantees ;
C) Our free consultations exclude any ancillary services (e.g., laboratory work, X-rays, etc.) and exclude cost of equipment or medication - whether or not prescribed by Our Physician ;
D) Due to legal and ethical considerations, the Physician will not prescribe controlled medications (such as, but not limited to narcotics) ;
E) MedNow Resources does not guarantee that the same Patient Navigator or Physician will be available throughout the User's stay in Mexico, or for subsequent communication.
IV. User's Privacy, Confidentiality and Medical Records
A) MedNow Resources will not sell, distribute, or otherwise dispose of its Users' Personal Information without the User's written consent, unless required by law ;
B) MedNow Resources agrees to maintain its Users' Patient Records confidential and safeguarded, in accordance to all laws and regulations - as applicable in Mexico ;
C) To request copies of Patient Records, the User (or the User's Appointed Representative) is asked to e-mail: support@mednow.com.mx with the word: ' records ' in the subject line of the email. Records can be provided in Spanish or English language. In order to expedite processing, the User is asked to provide his or her full name and date of birth. MedNow Resources agrees to provide all records within 72 hours of receipt of a properly submitted request. Prior to any release, MedNow Resources will verify the origin of the request, and will release any records only upon complete satisfaction that the requesting party(ies) are authorized to issue such a request and to receive such records ;
D) If, during the course of the User's interaction with MedNow Resources, the Patient Navigator or Physician establish that further consultations may be warranted, and that such consultations would be outside the regular scope of Services provided by MedNow Resources (see paragraph III), the Patient Navigator or Physician may recommend the services of Third-Party Physician(s), Hospital(s), Healthcare Center(s) or Other Organization(s) ;
E) In case of a life threatening emergency, or any other situation that can potentially in the future put at risk the User's life, integrity, or function of a vital organ, the Patient Navigator or Physician may, at his / her professional discretion, proceed with identifying potential Third-Party Physician(s), Hospital(s), Healthcare Center(s) or Other Organization(s) on behalf of the User, by sharing only non-identifiable, general information about the User (such as, but not limited to: the User's gender, age and current health status), if the Patient Navigator or Physician reasonably believes that, judging by the User's current health condition, such a disclosure would be necessary to facilitate the User's treatment or access to receiving urgent medical care ;
F) Upon transfer of care or admission to Third-Party Physician(s), Hospital(s), Healthcare Center(s) or Other Organization(s), MedNow Resources will not be held responsible for the User's diagnosis, treatment, any incurred losses and costs, nor for the discharge / follow-up plan ;
G) When requested (in writing to: support@mednow.com.mx ) by the User or the User's Appointed Representative, MedNow Resources will make a reasonable effort to inform the User's primary care physician (if any) regarding the User's current health condition.
En colaboración con